Human Rights Provider Network (HRPN)™

PSC’s Human Rights Provider Network (HRPN) is a sustainable network of physicians, mental health providers, and allied health professionals committed to providing comprehensive, trauma-informed services to survivors of sex and labor trafficking, domestic violence, torture and other human rights violations.

It is Hawaiʻi’s only established network that assists the healthcare community with patient care coordination, professional trainings, and peer-to-peer communication in treating these vulnerable populations.

The HRPN ensures timely medical, social, and legal services that are critical in helping survivors recover from exploitation, reclaim hope, and reintegrate as thriving individuals in society.

Survivors experience a constellation of physical and psychological wounds that require treatment from an array of health professionals across various geographic locations and with diverse language abilities. Needs include, but are not limited to:

Primary Care Obstetrics and Gynecology Surgical Care
Subspecialty Care Mental Health Services Physical Therapy
Dentistry and
Oral Surgery
Chiropractic Care Acupuncture
Laboratory Evaluations Imaging Prescription Medications


Goals of the Network

  • Improve survivors’ access to comprehensive, trauma-informed care through network partners
  • Assist providers by serving as resource for communication, service coordination, and trauma-informed training
  • Centralize and enhance professional resources available to treat survivors
  • Expand the Network across Hawaiʻi to ensure timely care for all survivors in the state

Opportunities for HRPN Providers

  • Training on topics such as: dynamics of sex and labor trafficking, identification of victims, mandatory reporting laws, referral and treatment of victims, legal remedies, and the role of the healthcare provider in legal proceedings
  • Connection with other medical providers, including subspecialty providers and those in rural geographic areas
  • Resources for identifying and addressing human rights abuses in your patients

How HRPN Providers Can Help

  • Willingness to consider client referrals from PSC or partner agencies
  • Consideration of pro bono or discounted care for 1-2 patient cases per year (not required)
  • Participation in PSC trainings, as desired/needed
  • Assisting PSC with making additional provider connections to close gaps in the Network

Not able to provide clinical care? Get involved in other ways:

  • Forensic evaluations
  • Expert evaluations for legal testimony
  • Make a donation

Upcoming HRPN Events

  • Event listings coming soon

If you are interested in attending an upcoming event, please contact Sarah Hipp, HRPN Coordinator, to reserve your spot at

Resources for Providers

Trauma & Human Trafficking Webinars:

If you are interested in learning more about HRPN, becoming a participating provider, or would like to request a training, please complete the form below: